​New England Center for the Deaf, Inc.
"Communicating a better future"
Case Management and Support Services NOW AVAILABLE
Our skilled and experienced Case management staff are here to assist you with any of your case management needs. We can assist you in seeking out entitlements applying for Social Service benefits (Medicaid, social security, food stamps, etc.) as well as assist you in budgeting, improving your life skills, transportation, etc. We will help you to find a place to live, to learn how to more effectively and efficiently go shopping and to help you meet whatever needs you may find that you have.
We understand also that sometimes challenges occur in life. People may occasionally have to go to medical appointments, legal appointment (including court), etc. We will be available to accompany you to these appointments for support and to assure that you have a clear understanding of the situation. Most things are not as bad as they may seem and we will be there to support you.
Case Management Services
Assist with obtianing medical insurance, cash assistance, food stamps
Assit with the Social Seciurity aaplication process
Assist you with finding a place to live
Assist you with transportation to appointment
Assist you with life skills such as:
Organizing your schedule
Support Services
Accompany you to court or legal appointments
Accompany you to medical appointments